I'm running to ensure:
A VITAL Newport.
There are serious challenges our community faces in terms of growth, affordable housing, quality health care access and living-wage jobs. I am committed to working with key stakeholders to develop stable and long-term solutions. I want to see us achieve our collective potential as has been laid out in the Newport 2040 Visioning Plan and continue to grow responsibly. I am invested in seeing our community thrive, economically and socially and be a place people choose to live, learn, work and play. I like to say, Newport: It's not just for visiting anymore.
I am committed to ensuring that our city's programs and services represent all of us, including working families, people of color, people with disabilities, and immigrants in our community.
I am inspired by all the good happening in Newport and believe in our limitless potential. I bring experience from my cultural work with individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, and LGBTQ. I have represented public sector workers and helped organize a veterans constituency to use their power and voice. I have also seen how power and privilege can disenfranchise individuals who lack time, money, or information to have a voice in decisions being made. To that end, I'm committed to upgrading Newport's digital access so as to be mindful of our environmental footprint and to encourage more civic engagement. Let's brainstorm new ways to make citizen participation more accessible. I pride myself on being accessible and responsive. Reach out anytime by phone, text, FaceTime, email or Facebook.
We can achieve a vision for Newport.
We can achieve a vision that celebrates a livable, artistic and vital Newport. One that ensures Newport's beauty and that our parks and bike paths remain safe and navigable. One that is mindful of how we recruit, train and retain a diverse workforce across all Newport's sectors. A vision that supports access to the library and its programming. Improving the city center and vistas by investing in small business development and thinking creatively about where we live, work, and shop. These are just a few of the efforts I care about. The Newport City Council has the opportunity to respond and govern on local issues. The work of the council supports our quality of life and how we, as a community, THRIVE. Stability, civility, positivity, access, and follow-through are strengths I will bring to the City Council.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to run and bring over two decades of community organizing experience, working for non-profit organizations, educational institutions and on campaigns. I've worked in coalitions to align shared interests through collaboration and dialogue. My record of leadership and involvement in my community has included fighting for health care access for women, for worker's rights, and for inclusive non-discrimination laws at the local, state and federal level. I have chaired and served on national and local boards for both my interpreting profession as well as my volunteer pursuits and I understand the municipal governance process. I value community input and the responsibility the city has to be accessible and responsive to constituent concerns.
I hope you will see and feel my optimism for what Newport is already and can continue to grow and become. I am invested. I hope I can count on your support.